Our Limousin Cows

Brown Eden Uncannie – NSB 6D

Uncannie is one of our solid producers with excellent calves.  Her Sept. 2019 calf,  Brown Eden George a very quiet thick bull calf.

Uncannie was bred to UK bull Lorenzo. see Bulls page for Lorenzo information  Brown Eden Harmony NSB 14H was born October 19, 2020.   Low BW  polled.  This outcross bull has great numbers on milk and growth with Uncannie.

Solid feet and deep body – should be a great cross. Sex semen (H).

Brown Eden Uncannie

Brown Eden Uncannie – July 2020

Brown Eden Uncannie

Brown Eden Harmony NSB14H

Lorenzo sire – dob Oct. 19, 2020 –  70 lb bw polled

Brown Eden Harmoney

Brown Eden Harmony – January 2021

Brown Eden Harmony

Brown Eden Harmony – April 2021